A Night in Havana -Jazz Fusion – 13.6.2024

TELETHON and the Embassy of Cuba in Cyprus with the Support of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra are delighted to announce the musical concert: A Night in Havana – Jazz Fusion   A magical evening with a well-known repertoire of jazz, Latin jazz and jazz fusión.  Timeless melodies, flowing rhythms interpreted by two amazing, internationally reneowned […]

ETKO FOOTBALL FAN ZONE – 14.6-14.7.2024

From June 14 to July 14, over 23 match days, fans will have the opportunity to watch the broadcast of the European Football Championship at Cyprus largest football fan zone. This is the first public screening of matches on the island. A comfortable location will be set up for visitors to watch the broadcast on […]

Ρεσιτάλ για βιολί και πιάνο – 21.9.2024

Kato Amiantos , Cyprus

Ο Wolfgang Schroder και η HelenaSchroder παρουσιάζουν σε ένα ρεσιτάλ για βιολί και πιάνο έργα των Schumann, Brahms, Paert και Kalamenios. Χώρος/οι Όνομα:  Θεατράκι Δάσους Ταχυδρομική διεύθυνση: Ιωάννη Κυριακίδη, 4810, Κάτω Αμίαντος Τηλ:   +357 99580982 Ημερομηνία έναρξης/Ημερομηνία λήξης:  21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024 Ώρα έναρξης/Ώρα λήξης:  18:30-19:30 Είσοδος: €15 / €10

Recital for voice and piano – 28.9.2024

Kato Amiantos , Cyprus

Manolis Neophytou and Laden Incepresent arias by Puccini, Verdi, Strauss, Gounod as well as cypriot songs in a recital for voice and piano.This is a bicommunal recital that aims to emphasize the importance of arts and the peaceful co-living of Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots. Venue/s Name: Forest Theatre Postal address: Ioanni Kyriakides, 4810, Kato Amiandos Phone number: +357 99580982 […]

WINE FESTIVAL 2024 – 28.9-6.10.2024

From the 28th of September until the 6th of October, the Municipality of Limassol organizes the Wine Festival in the Limassol Public Garden from 19.00 to 00.00 every night. During […]

YURY REVICH – Violin Concert with Orchestra: Vivaldi and Piazzola – 28.9.2024

Curium Ancient Theatre

Celebrity Gala invites you to join an evening of classical music with Yury Revich and a string chamber orchestra from Austria. Experience an unforgettable night of classical music as the world-renowned violinist Yury Revich graces the stage with his Guarneri violin (est. 1747), accompanied by a distinguished chamber string orchestra. This magical event will take […]


Kato Drys

The purpose of the event is to introduce the public to the local architecture and traditional products. The event will start at the Folklore Museum at 11:00, where the public will participate in grape pressing, zivania distillation, and the preparation of palouze and trachanas. Traditional delicacies will be offered to the participants. At the Bee and Embroidery Museum, […]

The Cyprus Strollers (October – December 2024)  

Get some exercise at the weekend    Explore the paths of the Cyprus countryside    Meet people and make new friends.    The Cyprus Strollers (http://cyprus-strollers.org) is organizing a hike in nature every weekend, from October to May. The Cyprus Strollers welcome individuals and families (children and dogs welcome as well) living in Cyprus, irrespective of nationality, and equally […]

LIMASSOL TRIATHLON 2024 – 6.10.2024

Limassol Promenade

Sprint Triathlon is ideal for those competitors who are new to the sport or those who are just into speed. The venue in the beautiful sea front of Limassolpromenadeis made to order to offer just that. Also this distance offers a good opportunity for corporate relay participation. The event is complemented by a Super Sprint […]

2nd Gastronomy Festival Potamious Village – 6.10.2024

We are waiting for you in the village square Fader Leonidas.  Enjoy for free traditional trahanas, cookies, timithotes (pies), hot palouze (made from grape juice), wine and zivania.  Gastronomic workshops […]

Tsakkisti elia (green olive) festival – 7-12.10.2024

Traditional products laboratory Stylianos Ch. Athini, Episkopi Limassol 13 Agias Paraskevis, Limassol, Cyprus

This year’s “Green Olive Festival” aims primarily to further promote the traditional product of the green cracked olive and its preparation method, as well as to introduce the public to […]
