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Pancyprian Choral Encounter Ι Epilogi Cultural Movement

July 16, 2023 @ 8:30 pm

July at Rilato Theatre…

Pancyprian Choral Encounter Ι Epilogi Cultural Movement

A Choral Encounter bringing together choirs and young music lovers from every part of Cyprus. Conductors, choristers, music teachers and children will have a unique opportunity to attend experiential workshops led by prominent conductors/musicians under the general thematic title: Polyphony and Improvisation through Tradition. A representative from the European Union of Choirs – Europa Cantat will give a talk about the opportunities offered by the organisation to the choral community.

Workshop – For adult choirs:

An improvisational approach of the polyphonic traditional song.

Workshop – For children’s choirs and students of conservatories and music schools:

Traditional song: movement, accompaniment, choral approach.

Led by: Natalia Lambadaki (Greece) and Marleen de Boo (Belgium)

The outcome of the workshops and the synergy between conductors, professors and choristers will be presented to the public upon completion of the classes on Sunday 16 July at Heroes Square.


Rialto Theatre
Andrea Drousioti, Str.Heroes Square 3040 Lemesos 
Phone number: 77777745
Fax No.: 25749663
Website: www.rialto.com.cy

Start date/End date:  16 July 2023

Start time/End time:  20:30 (duration 70′)  

Entrance Price/Τicket: Free Entrance

For the programme and the time of the event click here

Social Media
Rialto FB: Rialto Theatre – ΘέατροΡιάλτο (Rialto Theatre – ΘέατροΡιάλτο| Facebook)




Organizer Contact Details
Name: Olivia Christou
Telephone: 97847273
Email: [email protected]


July 16, 2023
8:30 pm - 11:59 pm