After a full, oenological year, Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliadesreopens its doors on Sunday, November 13, 2022 and invites you to Omodos to be part of a unique tasting experience full of wine, tradition and Cyprus!
Open Doors is an all-day celebration event inspired by the European Day of Wine Tourism, with the aim of highlighting the culture and tradition of the regions related to the cultivation of vine and production of wine.
We cannot wait for you to participate in the activities we have planned for the day, tour the winery, explore our award-winning wines through tasting and enjoy the magical wine world of Cyprus!
Name: Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades
Postal address: Demetri Liperti Street 4760, Omodos
Phone number: 25446000
Fax: 25446001
Website: www.oenouyi.wine
Start date/End date: 13 November 2022
Start time/End time: 10:00 – 18:00
Entrance Price/Τicket: FREE ENTRANCE
Organiser Contact Details
Name: Christodoulos G. Vassiliades
Telephone: +357 25446000 / +357 99403403
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address: Demetri Liperti Street 4760, Omodos