Bee & Embroidery Museum Kato Drys

The Local Museum of Traditional Embroidery and Silversmith-work, Lefkara is located in the mountainous village within the ‘House of Patsalos’, which was named after its owner – a member of one of the village’s richest families.

The entire house is constructed out of local white limestone and contains several rooms built during different periods from the 19th to the early 20th century. The ground floor showcases traditional village life within a rural-type dining room and storeroom that display large jars and agricultural implements and tools.

The three rooms of the upper floor contain the typical furnishings of a grand Lefkara house of the 19th and early 20th centuries, along with traditional costumes, jewellery, silverwork, and a large collection of old Lefkara embroidery, for which the village is renowned.

The ‘House of Patsalos’ was acquired by the Department of Antiquities in 1983, thanks to a donation by Mr Stelios Ioannou, and after its restoration was officially opened to the public as a museum in August 1988.

A separate building houses a reconstruction of a blacksmiths ‘smithy’ complete with original tools and authentic sound effects of the blacksmith at work.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience.


Region: Lefkara Village , Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: Pano Lefkara 7700
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 34 23 26
Operating Hours: Daily: 08.30 – 16.00 (Sept 16 – Apr 15) / 09.30 – 17.00 (Apr 16-Sept 15)
Operating Period: Closed on some public holidays.
Entrance Fee: Free
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.


Museum of Christian Art – Christoforou Collection

The Museum of Christian Art – Christoforou Collection is housed in a renovated old residence, located opposite the Kostas Kaimakliotis Folklore Museum in Aradippou.

The museum exhibits over 300 pieces depicting the Greek Orthodox and various other faiths from around the world from the private collection of retired Cypriot diplomat Charalambos Christoforou.

The museum is divided into five themed exhibits: Greece-Cyprus; Europe; Russia; South America, and Engravings

Included in the collection are works by Salvador Dali and Raphael, and an original engraving by Rembrandt, as well as a painting by the famous Russian artist Evgeni Klemenov ‘The Songs of Mikis Theodorakis’, which depicts the legendary composer directing his orchestra.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually below or in full screen here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience.


Region: Aradippou, Larnaka
Address: 11 Thermopilon Street, Aradippou
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 53 33 02
Operating Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 – 15:00
Fridays: 8:00 – 15:00 / 16:00-18:00
Saturdays: 10:00 – 13:00 / 16:00-18:00
Sundays: 10:00 – 13.30
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on public holidays
Entrance Fee: FREE
  Closed on public holidays. Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting. 


Museum of Christian Art – Christoforou Collection

The Museum of Christian Art – Christoforou Collection is housed in a renovated old residence, located opposite the Kostas Kaimakliotis Folklore Museum in Aradippou.

The museum exhibits over 300 pieces depicting the Greek Orthodox and various other faiths from around the world from the private collection of retired Cypriot diplomat Charalambos Christoforou.

The museum is divided into five themed exhibits: Greece-Cyprus; Europe; Russia; South America, and Engravings

Included in the collection are works by Salvador Dali and Raphael, and an original engraving by Rembrandt, as well as a painting by the famous Russian artist Evgeni Klemenov ‘The Songs of Mikis Theodorakis’, which depicts the legendary composer directing his orchestra.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually below or in full screen here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience.


Region: Aradippou, Larnaka
Address: 11 Thermopilon Street, Aradippou
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 53 33 02
Operating Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 – 15:00
Fridays: 8:00 – 15:00 / 16:00-18:00
Saturdays: 10:00 – 13:00 / 16:00-18:00
Sundays: 10:00 – 13.30
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on public holidays
Entrance Fee: FREE
  Closed on public holidays. Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting. 


Craft of Caning Museum Livadia

Livadia village is home to a unique basket weaving folkart using cane and reeds, and the preservation of this significant part of the village’s history has been secured through the Craft of Caning Museum, Livadia, which showcases the art of weaving and was inaugurated in November 2016.

The museum is an initiative by Livadia Municipality to create a space to preserve and share its traditional basketry ‘calamoti’, which is only practiced by a handful of women today, but was once an incredibly important part of the villagers’ everyday life and employment.

In olden days, the women spent whole days of the year paring and splitting reeds in order to make various basketry products, and Livadia is the only place on the island where ‘psatharkes’ (traditionally used for roofing) are still made, with the craft also included on the UNESCO Intangible World Heritage List.

The museum displays this rich history in a modern and attractive way within a structure itself made with cane, and comprises a large array of baskets, musical instruments, tools and other interesting exhibits and information, including a photographic exhibition.

The bench outside the museum preserves reeds in resin to symbolise the enduring nature of the basket-weaving tradition and is lit up at night. It was made by Youth Makerspace Larnaka and sponsored by Larnaka Tourism Board.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience.

Virtual video:

Region: Livadia, Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: 1 Dikaiosinis, Livadia Village 
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 82 17 40
Operating Hours: Wednesday: 09:00 – 13:00 / 16:00-18:00

Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00

Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: €2 (adults) / €1 (under 12s)
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

Experience the immersive 360 Virtual Tour in fullscreen mode – click here!

Craft of Caning Museum Livadia

Livadia village is home to a unique basket weaving folkart using cane and reeds, and the preservation of this significant part of the village’s history has been secured through the Craft of Caning Museum, Livadia, which showcases the art of weaving and was inaugurated in November 2016.

The museum is an initiative by Livadia Municipality to create a space to preserve and share its traditional basketry ‘calamoti’, which is only practiced by a handful of women today, but was once an incredibly important part of the villagers’ everyday life and employment.

In olden days, the women spent whole days of the year paring and splitting reeds in order to make various basketry products, and Livadia is the only place on the island where ‘psatharkes’ (traditionally used for roofing) are still made, with the craft also included on the UNESCO Intangible World Heritage List.

The museum displays this rich history in a modern and attractive way within a structure itself made with cane, and comprises a large array of baskets, musical instruments, tools and other interesting exhibits and information, including a photographic exhibition.

The bench outside the museum preserves reeds in resin to symbolise the enduring nature of the basket-weaving tradition and is lit up at night. It was made by Youth Makerspace Larnaka and sponsored by Larnaka Tourism Board.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience.

Virtual video:

Region: Livadia, Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: 1 Dikaiosinis, Livadia Village 
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 82 17 40
Operating Hours: Wednesday: 09:00 – 13:00 / 16:00-18:00

Friday & Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00

Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: €2 (adults) / €1 (under 12s)
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

Experience the immersive 360 Virtual Tour in fullscreen mode – click here!

Музей Костаса Аргиру

Большая часть экспозиции состоит из каменных и деревянных скульптур Костаса Аргиру, а также мозаик и его картин. Аргиру – первый признанный кипрский скульптор-наивист. Его творческая карьера продолжалась до самой смерти в 2001 году. Он проводил персональные выставки и принимал участие в различных групповых выставках на Кипре и за рубежом. В восточной части главного здания музея находится галерея с мозаичными религиозными изображениями и кенотафами Аргиру и его жены. Внешне Галерея напоминает церковь, поскольку изначально она предназначалась именно для этой цели. Для дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите:

Virtual video:

Округ: 7 Costa Argyrou str., 7577, Mazotos village, Ларнака
Адрес: Tel: +357 24 433 335
Контактный телефон: Среда – Воскресенье 10:00 – 17:00
OЧасы работы: Круглый год.
Закрыт по понедельникам, вторникам и в праздничные дни
Входной билет: Бесплатно
  Время открытия и закрытия, а также стоимость входных билетов могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления. Посетителям рекомендуется проверить перед посещением.

Local Museum of Ancient Idalion in Dali region

The museum promotes the rich finds of the region of Idalion and it is a visitor’s centre for the archaeological site in the surroundings of which it is located. The exhibits of the museum represent all the chronological phases of the history of Idalion and come from both older as well as more recent excavations done in the area.

Region: Lefkosia (Nicosia)
Address: Dali 2540
Contact No: Tel: +357 22 444818
Operating Hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 16:00
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: FREE
Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

Ledron Archaeological Local Museum

The exhibits in the museum are discoveries from the excavations in the area of the ancient city-Kingdome of Ledra, a few kilometers away from the walled city. Through the exhibits the visitor can see the development of Lefkosia through centuries, since the city-Kingdom of Ledra dates from the Middle Bronze Age and it is related with the first stage of Lefkosia`s history.

Region: Lefkosia (Nicosia)
Address: Andreas Demetriou, Nicosia 1066
Contact No: Tel: n/a
Operating Hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 16:00
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: FREE
Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.


Музей Парадоксов Лимассол приглашает вас попробовать свой разум с 50 экспонатами, основанными на парадоксах. Забронируйте билет, чтобы активировать свои чувства интерактивными впечатлениями и оптическими иллюзиями, не поддающимися объяснению реальности.
В музее Парадоксов мы приглашаем наших гостей бросить вызов своей реальности, своему способу мышления и обмануть свои чувства для развлечения!
Музей Парадоксов Лимассол совмещает в себе креативность и развлечения с образованием и обучением. С более чем 50 иллюзиями, голограммами, инсталляциями и экспонатами мы предлагаем уникальные и индивидуальные впечатления для всех, включая отдельные лица и группы. Мы создали Музей Парадоксов, самую большую физическую коллекцию парадоксов.
Дополнительные сведения –

Район: Лимассол
Координаты GPS:  Широта: 34.670346 Долгота: 33.040373
Адрес: Лимассол Марина, Культурный Центр Тракасол
Контактный No.: Тел: +357 25 051758
Часы работы: Понедельник: Закрыто
Вторник-воскресенье: 10:00-20:00
Часы работы на Пасху:
Святой Понедельник – Святой Четверг (29.4-2.5.2024): 10:00-20:00
Святой Пятницы-Святой Субботы: 10:00-19:00
Пасхальное Воскресенье: 12:00-20:00
Пасхальный Понедельник: 10:00-20:00
Период работы: Часы могут изменяться. Последний вход за час до закрытия. Пожалуйста, проверьте наш онлайн-бронирование для доступности билетов и любых праздничных часов, указанных ниже.
Стоимость билета: Стоимость входа: Общий билет (12+): 15 €
Дети (4 – 11 лет): 12 €
Младенцы (0 – 3 года): Бесплатно
Семейный билет (4 человека): (2 взрослых и 2 детей) -ИЛИ- (1 взрослый и 3 детей) 48 €
Студенты (18 – 24 года): Требуется студенческий билет 12 €
Пенсионеры (65+): Требуется идентификация 12 €
Facebook: Музей Парадоксов Лимассол
Instagram: limassol.paraxomuseum
Tik Tok: paradoxmuseumlimassol


MUSAN (Museum of Underwater Sculpture Ayia Napa)

The world-first, underwater sculpture museum MUSAN intertwines nature and art to offer a unique diving experience at the Agia Napa Marine Protected Area (MPA). Its aim to rewild the seabed works alongside the artificial reef created with the sinking of the Kyrenia wreck in 2015.

Divers can glide through the intricate forms of trees, people and other figurative nature symbols that comprise the living museum, created by award-winning sculptor, environmentalist and professional underwater photographer, Jason deCaires Taylor.

Over 90 submerged artworks made from inert, pH neutral materials have been exhibited at varying depths; thoughtfully designed for both diving and snorkelling.

The continually evolving installations develop organically to entice and encourage marine communities, symbiotically enriching biodiversity and creating an underwater museum like no other.

Discover the museum   /   Introductory video:


Musan Dive Site by visitcyprus on Sketchfab


To view the Statue 1 click here

To view the Statue 2 click here