European Mobility Week 2022 – Nicosia

Nicosia Street Party – Car-Free event by closing Konstantinou Palaiologou and Rigainis streets.  The event will include food, drinks and music, also there will be some kiosks of bike and scooter rental companies for further information and promotion of alternative mean of transport.   Venue: Constantinou Palaiologou, Costaki Pantelidi and Rigainis streets  (car free) E-mail […]

Lemesos Wine Festival 2022

From the 17th of September until the 25th of September, the Municipality of Limassol organizes the Wine Festival in the Limassol Public Garden from 19.00 to 23.30 every night. This year we celebrate the 61 years of the Wine Festival's history with impressive opening and closing ceremonies at the Municipal Garden Theater " Marios Tokas" […]

Quintus Ensemble, FlashArt @ Rialto 2022

Quintus Ensemble revives the music of Vasilis Tsitsanis through a selection of alternative arrangements of the acclaimed Greek songwriter’s compositional work.   Band members: Savvas Christodoulou (flute), Natalie Neofytou (oboe), Yiorgos Georgiou (clarinet), Evangelos Christodoulou (bassoon), Annita Skoutella (horn).   Arrangements, covers: Neoklis Neofytides   The first presentation of Quintus Ensemble took place in Limassol […]

4th Pancyprian Athienou Products Festival

  During  4th Pancyprian Athienou Products Festival the visitors can taste Athienou’s bread, bakery and dairy goods; enjoy music, dances and demonstrations on how to make bread and cheese the old traditional way.  Also visitors  will be able to watch the preparation of the local products: bread, halloumi and trahanas.  The programme will include workshops […]

11th Tradtional Festival in Statos-Ayios Fotios village in Pafos region

Statos Agios Fotios village, located in a green, idyllic landscape, in an altitude of 1000 meters, has a tradition in the production of local wines, trahanas (wheat bars with milk) tsamarella (dried salted meat) and shoushoukos (grape must pudding with nuts) is oganizing its tenth Rural festival. Venue: Village Square Website: Start date/End date:  18 […]

The Cherry Orchard

Pocket Theatre presents the last written play by outstanding Russian playwright, Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. A story about the relentless power of change and the confusion of future uncertainty.   Directed by: Marios Theocharous Actor/Actress on stage: Katerina Kazantzi, Xenia Prodromou, Miranda Nychidou, Konstantinos Gavriil, Andreas Nikolaidis, Aris Kyprianou, Marileni Stavrou, Marileni Stavrou, Yannis […]

A line, a Gaze, a Horizon by Alexandra Waierstall

If live art is not excluded from the mediated but is part of the other, what is the intermediate space that develops?   In her new work in progress, the choreographer Alexandra Waierstall investigates in form and content the recent experience of creating dance under conditions of lockdown and social distancing. However, she extends her […]

Orchestra4Αll 1 – MUSIC IN THE CITY (Cyprus Symphony Orchestra)

The Association “Friends of Nicosia” and the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra present the concert Orchestra4Αll 1 - MUSIC IN THE CITY Venues: Lefkosia: Friday 23 September 2022- Eleftherias Square, 20:30 Organised by the “Friends of Nicosia” Association & the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra   The Municipality of Pafos and the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra present the concert Pafos: […]

Sardam: Interdisciplinary Literature Festival

SARDAM celebrates 10 years of festival presence and literary performance! In this exciting anniversary edition, important participants of previous events as well as new participants return to the festival stage, while for the first time the group night of the festival (Main Event) will take place at the Rialto Theater in Limassol, on Saturday 24 […]

Dear You

Chorotheatro Omada Pende presents Roula Kleovoulou’s new work titled Dear You. An insight into how we conceive and experience love with the absence of the body.  From the love letters of the 17th century up to the love messages on social media apps of 2022.   Choreography/Performer: Roula Kleovoulou Dramaturgy: Chloe Melidou Visual installation: Elena […]

2nd Festival of Oils and Aromas

At the two-day festival, visitors have the opportunity to see, taste and buy various traditional products, with olive and olive oil as raw materials from various open-air stands, as well […]

17th Festival of Tradition and Culture

  This year's festival will take place in different areas of the village of Ayios Theodoros.  Numerous kiosks line up at the village streets where you can taste and buy […]