Convention Bureau

Attending a conference, seminar or professional training in the sun is one of the most motivating incentives for many delegates, and the Cyprus Convention Bureau (CCB) is uniquely placed to offer these services for inspiring and successful business events on Aphrodite’s beautiful island.

There are so many reasons as to why Cyprus is naturally conducive to a positive business outcome… The island has a climate that is particularly favourable in the Mediterranean part of the European Union (EU), with short and mild winters and abundant sunshine for more than 300 days annually. Combining a conference with the many outdoor activities the island offers is easy thanks to this fantastic weather, combined with the short travel distances that link all its regions quickly and efficiently.

As one of the world’s oldest civilisations – with a history of over 11,000 years – delegates can immerse themselves in a wealth of ancient culture, whilst also enjoying a welcome that is as warm as the sands of the many and varied coastal fronts. From delicious cuisine and traditional tavernas to elegant wine bars, and a world of options for relaxation and entertainment, business can be seamlessly combined with pleasure.

Hotel establishments across the island are equipped to hold business events with state-of-the-art conference facilities, and delegates can also opt for the luxury of staying at the same location as your event. Further venues for small conferences, gala dinners, themed nights or opening ceremonies can also be utilised, from purpose-built halls, to more unusual cultural settings such as Medieval castles and ancient amphitheatres.

And when it comes to added incentives, it is difficult to pick from the many wine routes, cruises, sporting activities, team-building pursuits, spa and wellness options and traditional, hands-on experiences available.

The CCB is designed to assist the organisation of business events in Cyprus from abroad and offers an attractive programme of grants, benefits and incentives, with perks such as complimentary giveaways and informative material, to airport Meet and Greet and hospitality vouchers, along with technical and financial support.

With hundreds of conference rooms and the capacity to seat thousands of delegates at business events and host them at hotels, Cyprus has the ability to create meetings with warmth and enthusiasm that will bring the drive for success back home to your business, and leave it with lasting – and motivational – memories of your time on the island.

For further information and support on organising a business event in Cyprus, along with the relevant application forms for grants and benefits, contact the CCB:

Tel: +357 22 691 255 / +357 22 691 186 / +357 22 691 254

Fax: +357 22 691 313




The promise of an Incentive Break on a beautiful island – where the climate is glorious, the cuisine is delicious, and the activities are exciting – is something that will confidently motivate anyone.

Cyprus is blessed with all the factors to offer incentive training and breaks that inspire productivity and teamwork, thanks to its unique features and the experiences they present.

Whether it is a cruise across the deep blue Mediterranean – where the invigorating sea air promotes the flow of ideas; a round of golf with partners or prospective clients at one of the exclusive and naturally stunning courses, or simply the change of scenery and the allure of the sun, the island will bring out the best in your business, your staff and your associates.

The range of sporting and activity options is vast. Tennis courts, cycling, hiking, diving, skiing, fishing, jeep safaris and so much more can be enjoyed as a team effort. For a more relaxing alternative, a host of luxury spa resorts will evoke a sense of serenity that clears the mind and allows a new perspective. And for a bustling city experience, the different regions of the island are all varied in the type of entertainment they offer, from workshops and cultural sites to authentic dining with feasts that encourage the sharing of food – and proposals. The traditions of the island and its unique culture are also conducive to motivation, with the opportunity to take part in the enriching daily activities of the locals, or find inspiration in the rugged natural landscape.

Further still, a large portfolio of organised tours and designated routes around the island take in wineries, nature trails, art, ancient legends, themed activities, traditional hands-on pastimes and a wealth of other stimulating, invigorating and motivating adventures.

The Cyprus Convention Bureau (CCB) is designed to assist the organisation of Incentive Breaks, as are the numerous destination management companies on-island, along with their experienced, efficient and multilingual staff. The CCB also offers an attractive programme of grants, benefits and support for the organisation of incentive trips in Cyprus from abroad. The range of perks includes complimentary giveaways and informative material, to airport Meet and Greet and hospitality vouchers, along with technical and financial support.

With all the elements in place, a complete tailor-made programme to suit your needs can be created from the collection of original and creative ideas the island evokes… leaving a happy and appreciated team, eager to succeed.

For further information and support on organising an Incentive Break in Cyprus, contact the CCB:

Tel: +357 22 691 255 / +357 22 691 186 / +357 22 691 254
Fax: +357 22 691 313



O nas

Ministerstwo Turystyki zostało założone w 2018 roku i prowadzi działalność na podstawie przepisów, które powołały do życia Ministerstwo Turystyki, ustanowiły urząd Ministra Turystyki powoływanego przez prezydenta oraz uregulowały inne kwestie prawne związane z turystyką.

W świetle przepisów prawa, głównym celem powołania Ministerstwa Turystyki było ustanowienie organu strategicznego i nadzorczego, dysponującego uprawnieniami do rozwoju narodowej strategii turystycznej, promocji i ochrony Cypru jako miejsca podróży, oraz wprowadzenie przepisów dotyczących turystyki w zakresie wymienionym poniżej:

– ustanowienie, koordynacja i wprowadzenie zintegrowanej Narodowej Strategii
Turystycznej z wykorzystaniem niezbędnych polityk horyzontalnych;
– wspieranie inwestycji związanych z turystyką;
– promocja świadomości turystycznej, edukacji i szkoleń w tym obszarze;
– wprowadzenie prawodawstwa związanego z turystyką oraz nadzór nad
sektorem turystycznym.

Ministerstwo Turystyki jest kierowane przez Ministra Turystyki i składa się z Biura Sekretarza Stałego oraz następujących Departamentów i Wydziałów:

– Departament Marketingu i Komunikacji;
– Departament Zapewnienia Jakości;
– Departament Strategii i Rozwoju Produktów;
-. Administracja – Wydział A
– Administracja – Wydział B

Personel Ministerstwa Turystyki pracuje w biurach, zlokalizowanych na Cyprze i poza jego granicami, wymienionych poniżej:

– siedziba główna w Nikozji
– biura lokalne zlokalizowane w różnych miastach i wioskach Cypru.
– biura za granicą

Więcej informacji na temat przepisów prawnych można uzyskać podtym adresem.

Ministerstwo Turystyki (The Deputy Ministry of Tourism) posiada biura zarówno na Cyprze, jak i za granicą. Siedziba główna znajduje się w Nikozji (Lefkosia), natomiast biura lokalne znajdują się w różnych miastach i obszarach wyspy – Nikozji, Limassol, Larnace, Agia Napa, Protaras, Pafos, Platres i Polis Chrysochous. Istnieje również sześć inspektoratów działających w Nikozji, Limassol, Larnace, Pafos, Agia Napa i Polis Chrysochous.

Adres Głównego Biura Ministerstwa Turystyki
Leoforos Lemesou 19, 2112 Aglantzia, Nikozja
Telefon: +357 22 691 100
Fax: +357 22 331 644, +357 22 334 696

Numer identyfikacyjny VAT: 90007430Υ

Ponadto Ministerstwo Turystyki posiada biura w czternastu miastach na świecie – Londynie, Frankfurcie, Berlinie, Paryżu, Sztokholmie, Atenach, Mediolanie, Zurychu, Amsterdamie, Moskwie, Tel Awiwie, Petersburgu, Warszawie, Dubaju i Kijowie.

Będziemy wdzięczni za podzielenie się wszystkimi uwagami i zażaleniami związanymi z zakresem obowiązków Ministerstwa Turystyki. W tym celu można skorzystać z infolinii ds. skarg +357 22 691 111, która w czasie godzin i dni wolnych od pracy, odpowiada automatycznie.