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Mr. Beethoven’s Magic Pencil

November 24, 2021 @ 8:30 pm

A musical story based on Beethoven’s life and work, presenting original compositions for cello and piano, as well as choral transcriptions for children’s choir. Narrating Beethoven’s life, his charismatic talent, his loss of hearing, as well as the power of Music as a form of expression, the concert presents a repertoire that includes compositions such as Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata, Pathetique Sonata, Ode to Joy, Symphony No.5, as well as passages from Beethoven’s Sonatas for cello and piano.
With EPILOGI Children’s Choir and Music Workshop
Artistic curation, piano: Corina Vasiliou
Cello: Doros Zisimos
Narrated by: Maria Alexandrou
Illustrations: Stavri Symeonidou
Poster editing: Stavros Petridis
Visual artist: Andreas Iakovou

Rialto Theatre 
Andrea Drousioti 19, 3040 Limassol
Phone number: 77777745
Fax No.: 25749663
Website: www.rialto.com.cy

Start date/End date: 24/11/2021

Start time/End time: 20:30-21:30   

Entrance Price/Τicket:  €7 / €5

Social media:
Rialto FB: RialtoTheatre- Θέατρο Ριάλτο
Rialto Instagram: rialto_theatre_cyprus
You tube: Rialto Theatre Limassol
Twitter: Rialto Theatre




Rialto Theatre
Telephone No.: +357 25343902
E-mail: [email protected]


November 24, 2021
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Kategoria Wydarzenie: