An introduction of Lyric and Music writing. New lyricists, new composers, musicians and anyone interested in the Greek music are welcome to attend a seminar by lyricist/poet Polys Kyriacou and composer/singer Koullis Theodorou. During this seminar you will also listen to some charismatic Greek songs, some examples of exceptional lyrics and music performed by Koullis Theodorou, Frederiki Tompazou and Marina Verzanli.
Lazania village
Phone number: +357 22 106 521
Fax: +357 22 632 770
Start date/End date: Friday, July 23rd 2021
Start time/End time: 19:30-21:30
Entrance: FREE
Social media:
Organiser Contact Details
Name: Polys Kyriacou
Telephone: 99441739