Φεστιβάλ Αγλαντζιάς: Αφιέρωμα στο συνεχιστή της Κυπριακής Παραδοσιακής Μουσικής, Γεώργιο Ορθοδόξου

Αφιέρωμα στο συνεχιστή της Κυπριακής Παραδοσιακής Μουσικής Γεώργιο Ορθοδόξου Μουσικό αφιέρωμα στο συνεχιστή της Κυπριακής δημοτικής μας μουσικής, Γεώργιο Ορθοδόξου από την Αραδίππου, από τον ταπεινό συνεχιστή του Μάριο Ορθοδόξου και την αγαπημένη σε όλους μας Βασιλική Χατζηαδάμου. Το μουσικό σχήμα επιλέγει παραδοσιακά τραγούδια και σκοπούς με τα οποία ο Γεώργιος Ορθοδόξου γαλουχήθηκε, ερμήνευσε και […]

Φεστιβάλ Αγλαντζιάς: «Οικογένεια Clown»

«Οικογένεια Clown»  Η πόρτα ανοίγει και η ιστορία ξεκινά... Η Οικογένεια Clown μετακομίζει σε ένα καινούριο σπίτι από όπου φυσικά δεν λείπουν τα ευτράπελα. Σύντομα έρχεται στον κόσμο το μωρό τους. Αυτό φέρνει ιδιαίτερη χαρά στην οικογένεια που ξεκινά τις "απαραίτητες προετοιμασίες".  Πρόκειται για ένα clown duoπου χρησιμοποιεί τη μέθοδο του επινοημένου θεάτρου με έντονη […]


ORCHESTRA4ALL “MUSIC IN THE CITY” A magical musical evening is co-organised by the “Friends of Nicosia” Associationand the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra in the heart of Lefkosia on Friday 24 September, at 20:00 at the moat of the Eleftheria Square. Enjoy the sounds of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra under the starry sky with a programme comprising […]

Unique Beeswax Candle making workshop

During the workshop "Creating unique natural beeswax candles", our guests initially watchtwo short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief discussion specifically about the beeswax productionwithin the Educational Hall. In the same Hall, visitors can observe the bees working insight a glass hive. Subsequently, visitors […]

Become A Beekeeper for A Day

During the workshop "Become a Beekeeper for a Day" guests watch two short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief discussion follows in the Educational Hall. Guests are then prepared to visit the beehives wearing the whole-body beekeeper’s suit available in all sizes to ensure […]

September “Palouzes”

On Sunday, September 19, 2021 from 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.Women Association of Rural Larnaka is organizing thefourth event in a row, "September Paluzes" and invites all of you to visit the outdoor area of ​​the Larnaca Rural Women's Association in Agios Theodoros, where you will have the opportunity to see up close the wholeprocedureof […]

Unique Beeswax Candle making workshop

During the workshop "Creating unique natural beeswax candles", our guests initially watchtwo short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief discussion specifically about the beeswax productionwithin the Educational Hall. In the same Hall, visitors can observe the bees working insight a glass hive. Subsequently, visitors […]

Become A Beekeeper for A Day

During the workshop "Become a Beekeeper for a Day" guests watch two short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief discussion follows in the Educational Hall. Guests are then prepared to visit the beehives wearing the whole-body beekeeper’s suit available in all sizes to ensure […]

Unique Beeswax Candle making workshop

During the workshop "Creating unique natural beeswax candles", our guests initially watchtwo short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief […]

Become A Beekeeper for A Day

During the workshop "Become a Beekeeper for a Day" guests watch two short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief […]

Cyprus Symphony Orchestra – PREMIERE 1

CYPRUS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PREMIERE 1 Αmusical encounter of our honourary conductor Alkis Baltas with both, the CySO and Savvas Lagou, one of its violinists and the featured soloist in Mozart’s […]

Unique Beeswax Candle making workshop

During the workshop "Creating unique natural beeswax candles", our guests initially watchtwo short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief […]