Το ΨΕΜΑ του Φλοριάν Ζελλερ

Το ΨΕΜΑ του Φλοριάν Ζελλερ. Μια απολαυστική, σύγχρονη κωμωδία που διαπραγματεύεται τη φιλία και τις σχέσεις… Ένα έργο για όσους λένε ότι θέλουν να μάθουν την αλήθεια, ενώ θα προτιμούσαν ένα ψέμα. Η σκεπτόμενη ξεκαρδιστική κωμωδία του πολυβραβευμένου Γάλλου συγγραφέα, που έσπασε ταμεία σε πολλές ευρωπαϊκές σκηνές, στο θέατρο VERSUS. Οι συντελεστές της παράστασης είναι: […]

«Παιδικά τραγούδια – μεγάλα όνειρα» Από την Παιδική Χορωδία της «Διάστασης» και τον Παντελή Θαλασσινό

«Παιδικά τραγούδια - μεγάλα όνειρα» Από την Παιδική Χορωδία της «Διάστασης»  και τον Παντελή Θαλασσινό     Τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια τα παιδιά  έχουν ταλαιπωρηθεί πιο πολύ από όλους μας με το ξέσπασμα την πανδημίας, τον εγκλεισμό, την αποχή από το σχολείο και από κάθε είδους κοινωνική εκδήλωση. Με την ελπίδα ότι σιγά σιγά τα […]

WKF Karate 1 Youth League Limassol 2022

The World Karate championships for U14, U16, U18 are for the ages of 12-17 years old and the athletes who will be distinguished are classified in a scoring system. These championships are one of the four World Championships of 12-17 years that take place for 2022 in the world (Mexico, Cyprus, Croatia, Italy), which are […]


Deputy Ministry of Tourism Hiking and Nature Activities: TROODOS GEOPARK, "A.G. LEVENTIS" BOTANICAL GARDEN IN THE OLD ASBESTOS MINE IN AMIANTOS & NEARBY HIKE   Guided geology tour in the Troodos UNESCO Geopark Visitors Centre followed by a guided visit to the Troodos «Α.G. Leventis» Botanical Garden and short nearby hike in beautiful surroundings. For […]

What the Butler Saw

What the Butler Saw, is an intensely funny farce set in the sexually charged private clinic of psychiatrist, Dr. Prentice. As the play opens, Dr. Prentice is interviewing the young, attractive Geraldine Barclay to be his new secretary. During her brief interview, she reveals that she has recently lost her adoptive mother after a gas […]

Welcome Maestro Neuhold – CYSO

  The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra welcomes on stage its new Artistic Director and Conductor, Gϋnter Neuhold! In their first concert together, they will present two masterful symphonies: Mozart’s Symphony no. 35, known as the Haffner Symphony, and Tchaikovsky’s 5th.   The Haffner Symphony, composed in 1782, typifies the late symphonies of Mozart in their ambitious […]

Tsemberi Fashion Exhibition

The Tsemberi Fashion Project, founded in March 2021 by Christina Dymioti and Anastasia Filipou, presents to the cypriot public the Tsemberi Fashion Exhibition. It is the first fashion exhibition concerning the circular fashion and inspired by the cypriot culture. The exhibition will take place on the 7th and 8th of May at the Stelios Philanthropic […]

Rising Young Soloists – CYSO

Cyprus Symphony Orchestra   RISING YOUNG SOLOISTS   Lefkosia: Thursday 12 May 2022 Pallas Theatre, Pafos Gate, 20:30 Larnaka: Friday 13 May 2022 Larnaka Municipal Theatre G. Lycourgos, 20:30   In this concert, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Yiorgos Kountouris shares the stage with the new generation, hosting two young rising soloists: […]

Orchestra4all – Kiki in America – CSyO

Συμφωνική Ορχήστρα Κύπρου Orchestra 4 All  KIKI IN AMERICA Family Concerts for children aged 3-10 years   Lemesos: Saturday 21 May 2022, Pattihio Municipal Theatre, 16:00 Lefkosia: Sunday 22 May 2022, Pallas Theatre, Pafos Gate, 10:00 and 12:15 Larnaka: Saturday 28 May 2022, Larnaka Municipal Theatre G. Lycourgos, 16:00 Pafos: Sunday 29 May 2022, Markideio […]

International Museum Day

Revival of Traditional Cypriot Handicrafts, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Cyprus Handicrafts Service, of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry: 1. Red clay pottery 2. Basket weaving, 3. Lefkara embroidery 4. Cyprus macaroni making, 5. Traditional textiles 6. Making of Cyprus Chest • Guided tour in the permanent collection and […]

World Bee Day- Bee Festival

A day full of activities for the importance of Honey Bees to the environment. Bee Keepers, educators, trainers, environmentalists and local people are gathered together, to inform the public and create awareness about our precious pollinators and the valuable products of Hives. Local gastronomy with honey, and live entertainment. Venue: Ora Village Postal address: Ora […]