
ANIMALE*I FRANCESCA FOSCARINI / COSIMO LOPALCO sun 20:30 (40’)   The solo master piece from Italy (Danza&Danza prize 2018) was presented at La Biennale Venezia 2018, and itis inspired by the painter Antonio Ligabue and his extraordinary visions of the natural world. Animale brings to the stage, in the words of John Berger, a frightfully […]


LANDSCAPE *I ELENA ANTONIOU 16+ mon 20:30 (57’) In this solo performance, Elena Antoniou unapologetically demonstrates herself in order to highlight the personal experience as a collective landscape. She overexposes the female body with pleasure and extends the limit of spectacle by skillfully and intentionally inviting the gaze of the spectators. In LANDSCAPE, Antoniou creates […]

Women’s Golf Day 7th June 2022

Women’s Golf Day is a global event celebrating girls and women playing golf and learning the skills that last a lifetime. Minthis Golf Club proudly supports the initiative and invites women to give golf a go, with a free golf lesson and cocktail reception. PROGRAMME FOR NON-GOLFERS   16:00 – 17:00: Welcome Cocktail Reception 17:00 […]

Romeo, Romeo, Romeo

Romeo, Romeo, Romeo* | JOSHUAMONTEN On Stage, wed 20:30 (60’) Dance is a mating ritual. Even today, in the age of online dating apps, dance continues to play a central role in how many of us find a mate. This dance production from Switzerland for four Romeos (one of whom is performed by a woman) explores the idea […]


Orchestra 4 Αll COMMUNITY OUTREACH CONCERTS   Peristerona: Thursday 9 June 2022, Church Square, 20:00 Pervolia: Friday 10 June 2022, Pervolia Community Theatre, 20:00 Pedoulas: Saturday 11 June 2022, Pedoulas […]


Q&A*IRACHEL ERDOS On Stage fri 20:30 (50’)   Would you like to be famous? When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? What is your most terrible memory? How close and warm is your family? 4 dancers... 36 questions...   Between a talk show and a Sunday confession, Q&A from Israel shares intimate […]

Lachlan Gilchrist Open 11th June 2022

FORMAT: Single Stableford, Yellow/Red tees | Full handicap allowance   MAX HANDICAP: Men/ladies 36  (WHS)   PRIZES:  Overall winner Runner-up   ENTRY FEE FOR MEMBERS*: €2 ENTRY FEE FOR NON-MEMBERS*: €50 *Optional 2’s competition CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 4th June 2022 Registration: [email protected] Venue:  MINTHIS GOLF CLUB Postal address: Tsada, 8060 Paphos Phone number: +357 […]

Cherry Festival 2022

 Tris Elies village celebrate the 'cherazi'! The cherry tree has supported our village and defined its landscape. This is worth celebrating! Celebrating we help keep our place alive, supporting local growers, while also honoring our grandparents and (mostly) our grandmothers and the history of cherry growing in our area.   Celebrate with us with creative workshops, […]


Layaz*I EDITTA BRAUN COMPANY sun 20:30 (50’)   How can a young woman find her own self under the many veiling and protective layers that surround her? From Austria, a play about identity, freedom, the "other" that is inherent in us - and about female complicité across generational and cultural boundaries.   Choreography: Editta Braun […]


SAKRAIALEXIS VASSILIOU On Stage sun 15:00 20:30 (50‘)  18+   In his new work, Alexis Vassiliou continues the research that he started with the short film EGKATA in 2020, on the origins of language, human emotions and embodied experiences. During ΣΑΚΡΑseven performers will be attempting to generate and, therefore, perform the basic operations of breath, […]


45* I POLISH DANCE THEATRE I Jacek Przybyłowicz wed 20:30 (45’)   45 shows the story of young dancers talking about - in a symbolic dimension - the subject of a collective, merged with teamwork, as well as a common, conscious decision to choose art as a way of life. The creators want to show […]

A Taste of Culture. Music and Dancing Festival

“Taste of Culture- Music& Dance Festival" is a unique cultural experience inspired by the folklore festivals of local communities of Rural Nicosia, which aims to highlight the special characteristics of the area. The festival is an inspiration of the Cultural and Sports Association, PAOK-Klirou which in collaboration with four other Communities of the region will […]