45* I POLISH DANCE THEATRE I Jacek Przybyłowicz wed 20:30 (45’) 45 shows the story of young dancers talking about - in a symbolic dimension - the subject of […]
45* I POLISH DANCE THEATRE I Jacek Przybyłowicz wed 20:30 (45’) 45 shows the story of young dancers talking about - in a symbolic dimension - the subject of […]
“Taste of Culture- Music& Dance Festival" is a unique cultural experience inspired by the folklore festivals of local communities of Rural Nicosia, which aims to highlight the special characteristics of […]
Welcome to Running Under The Moon® The First, the Best and Most Popular Night Running event in Cyprus will be held this year on June 17 2022 at Mall Of […]
The program of the event for the days of the festival: Saturday 18/06/2022 18:00: Path by the offices of the Pedoulas Community Council to the school with musical accompaniment […]
“WINE - FLAVORS OF CYPRUS» event is addressed to all Cypriot wine lovers and foreigners who live in Cyprus as well as all foreign visitors who will be on the […]
Free At Last*I DANAE & DIONYSIOS wed 20:30 (50') Mystical imagery; dark atmosphere; Greek tradition deconstructed and linked with the present. An original choreography inspired by the legendary Dance of […]
Portraits in otherness* fri 20:30 (55’) Portraits in Otherness is a project that promotes artists who carry multiple identities and whose works dance on the borders of the worlds we know and those we imagine. Originally conceptualized and curated by internationally renowned choreographer and dancer Akram Khan and his creative producer Farooq Chaudhry in 2017, Portraits […]
MOVEMENT I FRESH AIR I FUN LEARNING I GOLF GOLF: A playful approach to master the art of golf by developing a good technique, mental strength and concentration in a fun environment under the watchful eye of PGA Qualified Golf Professional David McKibben. LEARNING: The English lessons will be conducted by Amanda Dodson, […]
Η FIBA διοργανώνει ανά διετία το Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα Μικρών Χωρών. Την διοργάνωση είχε λάβει η Κύπρος για το 2020 (λόγω κορωνοϊού αυτή έγινε το 2021) ενώ ανέλαβε την διεξαγωγή και για το 2022. Στην διοργάνωση θα συμμετέχουν πέραν της Κύπρου οι Νορβηγία, Κόσοβο, Μάλτα και Ανδόρα. Venue: Στάδιο «Τάσσος Παπαδόπουλος» Ελευθερία Οδός Λευκοθέου, Έγκωμη Start […]
Continuing the tradition of presenting plays from ancient Greek drama, THOCpresents Sophocles' leading tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus, which continues to exert an irresistible fascination with its irresistible poetry, high technique, and profound content. The city of Thebes is sick. So is Oedipus, even if he doesn't know it yet. He promises, before the citizens who […]
MOVEMENT I FRESH AIR I GOLF A playful approach to master the art of golf by developing a good technique, mental strength and concentration in a fun environment under the watchful eye of PGA Qualified Golf Professional David McKibben. Fees include golf balls, equipment and lunch during lessons Fee per week (5 training […]
AglanJazz 2022 Κρατάει ζωντανό το πάθος για jazz! Το μεγαλύτερο ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ Τζαζ, το AglanJazz, παρουσιάζεται για 17η χρονιά από το Δήμο Αγλαντζιάς στις 6 και 7 Ιουλίου. Το φετινό […]