Regatta of Champions – The R.O.C.

The top 35 optimist sailors from around the world will be invited to The R.O.C. Using a formula of difficulty, invitations will be sent out to the top sailors of the IODA World Championship, as well as all the IODA Continental Championships (European, N & S. American, Asian & Oceanian and African). At least 20% […]

European Day of Wine Tourism “Open Doors”

After a full, oenological year, Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliadesreopens its doors on Sunday, November 13, 2022 and invites you to Omodos to be part of a unique tasting experience full of wine, tradition and Cyprus!   Open Doors is an all-day celebration event inspired by the European Day of Wine Tourism, with the aim […]

5th Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon

Starting from the beach of Finikoudes on Sunday, November 20, runners from all over the world will test their endurance in one of the 7 races.   Sunday's racing programme starts with the main race of the Marathon Race (42.195 km), the Half Marathon (21.095 km) and the 10 km road race. These will be […]

Leptos Cyprus International 4-day Challenge

The “Leptos Cyprus International 4-day Challenge” is a staged running event, successfully combining a 6k time trial, an 11k mountain trail run, a multiterrain half marathon, and a 10k City Run over four consecutive days, covering a distance slightly longer than a marathon. The event takes place in the area of Paphos, and for the […]

Limassol Book Fair

ΤΙΤΛΟΣ: Έρχεται η πρώτη Διεθνής Έκθεση Βιβλίου στη Λεμεσό     Η μεγαλύτερη έκθεση βιβλίου που διοργανώθηκε ποτέ στην Κύπρο έρχεται στη Λεμεσό   Από τις 25 μέχρι τις 27 Νοεμβρίου, το πρώτο LimassolBookFairανοίγει τις πόρτες του και καλωσορίζει το κυπριακό κοινό μαζί με δεκάδες εκδότες, συγγραφείς και επαγγελματίες από τον χώρο του βιβλίου. Δημοσιογράφοι, […]

Apollo’s Lyre at the Cyprus Museum

  Within the framework of the international festival of the ancient lyre “The Gift of the Gods” which will take place in Cyprus for the first time, an ancient lyre concert is organized in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities at the Cyprus Museum with the participation of internationally acclaimed ancient lyre players and Cypriot […]

Minthis Open 26.11.2022

FORMAT: Single Strokeplay, White/Bue tees | Full handicap allowance   MAX HANDICAP: Men/ladies 36  (WHS)   PRIZES:  Men’s best gross, Men’s best net Ladies best gross, Ladies best net   ENTRY FEE FOR MEMBERS*: €12 ENTRY FEE FOR NON-MEMBERS*: €70 The entry fee includes lunch buffet after the prize presentation *Optional 2’s competition   CLOSING […]

The Magical World of Lieder

A recital dedicated to the Magical World of Lieder will close this year’s Weeks of the German Language, on November 26th at Rialto Theatre in Limassol.   The recital is an on-stage musical collaboration between Cypriot sopranos Chryso Makariou and Mariza Anastasiadiou who have proven through their performances, their love and devotion to the delicate […]

«Escape The Ordinary» Contemporary Art Exhibition

Since living in a world where the 9-5pm routine is literally our daily life, we choose to cope through life with stamina of our consideration. For both the artists, Lakis Christofidis and Elina Chrysostomou, art has always been a way of defence mechanism, a way to go through tough times. A way of escape. This […]

Centenary Concert of Sourp Asdouazadzin Armenian Church Choir

Guest instrument players from Armenia and Beirut. Guest singer Hovig. Singer are ages 5 – 89. Will sing traditional Folklor and church songs. There will be a photographic exhibition before the convert.   Venue: Strovolos Municipal Theatre Postal address: Strovolos Avenue 100, 2020 Phone number: +357 22470470 Fax: +35722470400 Website: Start date / End date: 3 […]

STARLIGHT 2 – Great Performers with CySO

 Venues: Lemesos: Wednesday 7 December 2022- Pattihio Municipal Theatre, 20:30 Lefkosia: Thursday 8 December 2022- Nicosia Municipal Theatre, 20:30   The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra shares the stage with the exceptional British conductor Douglas Boyd, who will conduct two iconic works by his compatriots Edward Elgar and Ralph Vaughan Williams. Douglas Boyd is currently the Artistic […]