CYPRUS WOMEN’S CUP- 13-23.2.2023

The Cyprus Women's Cup is a global invitational tournament for national teams in women's football. It has been held annually in Cyprus since 2008. It is played in late February or early March. Venue: Name:  AEK Arena / GSZ Stadium Larnaca Postal address: Larnaca Website: Start date/End date:   13-23 February 2023   Start time/End time: For the […]

Mitsero Mine Run- 19.2.2023

Mitsero Mine Run is a Cross Country Run inspired by marathoner Costas Patinios and organized by SAS Sports Events Management from 2018, in collaboration with the local community council and Mitsero Youth Center with the aim of highlighting the historic village, the promotion of the beautiful landscapes and "images" of the wider area and the […]

Lecture “Limassol Carnival, a magical story”

Many think that the Limassol Carnival is just an ephemeral explosion of joy and happiness. But for Limassolians it is much more than that! It’s tradition, cultural heritage, artistic expression and above all local identity and pride. I Invite you all, on February 20 at 18:00 to Colla Space (old Coca Cola Factory – 37, […]

PREMIERE 3- French musical romanticism with CySO

PREMIERE 3 Lefkosia: Wednesday 1 March 2023 - Pallas Theatre, Pafos Gate, 20:30 Lemesos: Thursday 2 March 2023 - Rialto Theatre, 20:30 Larnaka: Friday 3 March 2023 - Municipal Theatre […]

STARLIGHT 4 – Great Performers with CySO

  Lefkosia: Thursday 9 March 2023 - Nicosia Municipal Theatre, 20:30 Lemesos: Friday 10 March 2023- Rialto Theatre, 20:30   PROGRAMME JeanSibelius: Violin concerto in D minor, op. 47 Johannes […]

Logicom Cyprus Marathon- 12-14.3.2023

The Logicom Cyprus Marathon has been organized in Pafos since 1999. This makes it the most historic international Marathon in Cyprus, celebrating 25 years in 2023. The event includes the Marathon that starts from Aphrodite’s Birthplace and finishes at the Medieval Fort Square in Pafos. The other races, Half-Marathon, 10km Road Race and 5km Fun […]

OPAP Limassol Marathon- 18-19.3.2023

The  OPAP Limassol Marathon expects to host thousands of runners from Cyprus and abroad on March 18 and 19, 2023. It has an intense race program with 6 different routes, suitable for all ages and performances.   On Saturday, March 18, the Primetel 5KM Corporate Road will be held, which gives the opportunity to teams […]

Music&Poetry with CySO

MUSIC AND POETRY   Thursday 23 March 2023 - Pattihio Municipal Theatre, 20:30 Friday 24 March 2023 - Nicosia Municipal Theatre, 20:30   Elias Andriopoulos: Orientations (poetry: Odysseas Elytis) Odes (poetry: […]

Klirou Atovrisi 2023- 26.3.2023

Dromea Racing Running Club, in corporation with Klirou Community Council are organizing the race "Klirou Atovrysi 2023". The event will take place on Sunday 26th of  March 2023, at the Courtyard of the Community Council. All races will start and finish at the front of the Council. The event will host the following races:   […]

Exhibition FIVE

The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, announces the opening of the temporary exhibition FIVE.   What was it like living in Cyprus in ancient times? What […]

April at Rialto Theatre…

April is the month with the most glamorous Film Festival in Cyprus and is almost here...   3/4 MONDAY20:30 (60’) 5 Lesbians eating a quiche -Andrew Hobgood & Evan Linder […]

1st International Coastal Rowing Beach Sprints LNC Competition – 1-2.4.2023

During the competition, two or four athletes compete in a 30m running sprint on the beach until they reach their boats (single or double) for 500m rowing with slaloms in the water and last but not least, a running sprint of another 30m to the finishing line. Venue: Name:  Malindi Postal address: Pareklisia beach between Grand Resort […]