QUANTUM TROODOS TERRA 2023 – 11.6.2023
5ΚΜ CHARITY RACE: The race is ideal for beginner mountain runners and there will be no cut-off time. The race distance is 5 km with a +130m ascend. The […]
5ΚΜ CHARITY RACE: The race is ideal for beginner mountain runners and there will be no cut-off time. The race distance is 5 km with a +130m ascend. The […]
The exhibition introduces The art studio Nicholas Panayi is presenting a fine art exhibition with the theme: “LIFE – FROM POETRY TO PAINTING”. The opening is on Monday the 12th of June 2023 at 19:30 at the PROZAC CAFE AND GALLERY at Medontos street 3a, Nicosia 1060 It is the result of this academic’s […]
Running Under the Moon® is the first night running event in Cyprus. 10k race, 5k race, 5k teams / corporate run , kids fun run and the famous #moonrun after […]
Στη Europa Donna Κύπρου, μέρος των καθαρών εσόδων - Τις συναυλίες στηρίζει η ΚΕΑΝ Ο Λούκας Γιώρκας, ο δημοφιλής καλλιτέχνης με τη γνήσια λαϊκή φωνή, ξεκινά την καλοκαιρινή του περιοδεία από την Κύπρο με τρεις μοναδικές συναυλίες σε Λευκωσία, Λάρνακα καιΛεμεσό. Ο πολυσχιδής καλλιτέχνης επιμελήθηκε, σχεδίασε και θα παρουσιάσει με την οκταμελή ορχήστρα του […]
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes Caught up in the maelstrom of the Peloponnesian War, an Athenian woman chooses to use the most effective weapon at her disposal to bring the hostilities to an end. She calls a meeting of women from Greece’s cities and together they decide to go on a sex strike until the men […]
Στη Europa Donna Κύπρου, μέρος των καθαρών εσόδων - Τις συναυλίες στηρίζει η ΚΕΑΝ Ο Λούκας Γιώρκας, ο δημοφιλής καλλιτέχνης με τη γνήσια λαϊκή φωνή, ξεκινά την καλοκαιρινή του περιοδεία από την Κύπρο με τρεις μοναδικές συναυλίες σε Λευκωσία, Λάρνακα καιΛεμεσό. Ο πολυσχιδής καλλιτέχνης επιμελήθηκε, σχεδίασε και θα παρουσιάσει με την οκταμελή ορχήστρα του […]
CYPROPHONIA 3 - CySO & CyYSO side-by-side concert PROGRAMME Camille Saint-Saëns: Introduction and Rondo capriccioso, op. 28 Paul Creston: Concertino for marimba and orchestra, op. 21 Gustav Mahler: Symphony no. 1 in D major (“Titan”) Loucas Demetriou violin Petros Chimonides marimba Cyprus Symphony Orchestra & Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra Yiorgos Kountouris conductor The artistic […]
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes Caught up in the maelstrom of the Peloponnesian War, an Athenian woman chooses to use the most effective weapon at her disposal to bring the hostilities to an end. She calls a meeting of women from Greece’s cities and together they decide to go on a sex strike until the men […]
Four high-quality productions with a modern aesthetic and artistic approach to ancient Greek drama by esteemed theatre companies, participate in this year’s edition of the “International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama” and present performances at Makarios III Amphitheatre in Nicosia, Curium Ancient Theatre in Limassol and Ancient Odeon in Paphos: ● ANTIGONE by Sophocles │ […]
July at Rilato Theatre... Grandmothers I Milena Ugren Koulas Χ Created in the framework of the Terpsichore programme 2023 - Deputy Ministry of Culture and in collaboration with the Rialto Theatre. For the past few years, Milena and the dancers she collaborates with, are investigating how trauma affects us and the way traumatic experiences shape […]
LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes Caught up in the maelstrom of the Peloponnesian War, an Athenian woman chooses to use the most effective weapon at her disposal to bring the hostilities to an end. She calls a meeting of women from Greece’s cities and together they decide to go on a sex strike until the men […]