In the workshop the visitors will be able to watch and participate in the making process of traditional products that are made of grape juice such as palouze and soutzioukou. Because plenty amount of time is needed for this process, a competition will be conducted during the procedure (the person whothread the most nuts for the soutziouko winsor making the most dough cookies).
The whole procedure of palouze and soutziouko will be carried out on Saturday at specified dates and times while the other products such as grape syrup, grape jam and retzelia will be made alternately. On Sunday we will make palouze only.
All visitors will be treated with our products, also they will learn about the health benefits of our products and how they can include them in their diet. In addition they will be able to buy them at the workshop.
p.s. The visitors will get the thread with nuts and the dough cookies that they will make.
Το σταφύλι άλλως πως και οχι μόνο
Postal address: Apostolou Philippou 4 Square Arsos Village
Phone number: +357 99559451
Start date/End date: Please click
Entrance: FREE
Socialmedia: Facebook: Tοσταφύλιάλλωςπωςκαιοχιμόνο
Elena Markantoni Constandinou
Instagram: to_ stafyli_allws_pws
Organiser Contact Details
Name: Elena Markantoni
Telephone: 99559451
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address: Apostolou Filippou 4 Square Arsos Village