GPS coordinates of the starting point: | Lat: 34.938829 Lon: 32.889990 |
GPS coordinates of the ending point: | Lat: 34.938829 Lon: 32.889990 |
Altitude of the starting point: | 1,711m |
Altitude of the highest peak: | 1,711m |
Altitude of the end peak: | 1,711m |
Starting point: | On the narrow asphalted road that leads to Kampos tou Livadiou picnic site. |
Length: | 1.5km |
Estimated duration: | 30 minutes |
Difficulty rate: | 1 (wheelchair accessible) |
Points of interest: The Livadi Trail, which is wheelchair accessible, is located within Troodos National Forest Park – a Natura 2000 area. The course takes you through a black pine and foetid juniper forest, where you will have the chance to admire some century old trees. A viewpoint, where you can see Chromium River and Solea Valley, is available on the route. To complete the trail, turn back at the viewpoint and follow the same route for about 100 metres, then take the route on the right, as indicated by the sign. Tree loggings have not taken place in these forests since 1972, since the principal management objective for this forest area is the conservation of biodiversity, water resources and the landscape. ‘Kampos tou Livadiou’ picnic site has drinking water. The Troodos Visitor Centre, which holds information on the Troodos mountain range, its flora and its fauna, is located In Troodos Square.
Flora: While hiking you can study the endemic plants: Troodos vipergrass (Scorzonera troodea), Troodos spurge (Euphorbia cassia subsp. rigoi), golden oak (Quercus alnifolia), and the indigenous barberry (Berberis cretica), white beam (Sorbus aria ssp.cretica) and bracken (Pteridium aquilinum).