Xyliatos (Circular) – Lefkosia (Nicosia) District, Adelfoi Forest Nature Trail

GPS coordinates of the starting point: Lat: 35.009318 Lon: 33.036420
GPS coordinates of the ending point: Lat: 35.009318 Lon: 33.036420
Altitude of the starting point: 543m
Altitude of the highest peak: 601m
Altitude of the end peak: 543m
Starting point: (a) The overflow of the dam, (b) The dam’s picnic site.
Length: 3.8km
Estimated duration: 1 – 1.5 hour
Difficulty rate: 2


Points of interest: The trail begins at the overflow of the dam and runs alongside the highest water level point of the dam. It then crosses the artificial bridge over the dam. The uphill trail takes you to the Xyliatos – ­Lagoudera road, which leads you to the starting point if you follow through the dam’s embankment. The trail connects with another 200-metre trail, which starts from the picnic site ‘Fraktis tou Xyliatou’ (Xyliatos Dam) then follows a small section of the Xyliatos – ­Lagoudera road, joining with the circular path at the dam’s embankment. The dam itself is also of interest. A section of the path passes through a pine forest where you will encounter varieties of the golden oak tree, strawberry tree, myrtle, oriental alder and rockrose.

Flora: While hiking you can study the endemic plants: Shrubby knapweed (Ptilostemon chamaepeuce var. cyprius), Purple Rock ­ Cress (Arabis purpurea), ‘Manouthkia’ (Pterocephalus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus – an evergreen small shrub with pale pink flowers), Cyprus skullcap (Scutellaria cypria subsp. elatior), Thyme (Thymus integer), Wild garlic (Allium willeanum).

Fauna: The main species of fauna found in the area are:

Mammals: Fox, hare, hedgehog.

Birds: Bonelli’s eagle, Wood pigeon, partridge, Cyprus warbler (endemic), Cyprus wheatear (endemic).

Fish: Trout, carp, bass.

Amphibians: Frogs.