(Serves 10)
• 10 pieces of goat meat
• 10 medium potatoes, peeled and halved
• 1 medium onion, peeled and quartered
• 2 ripe tomatoes, grated
• 2 bay leaves
• 2 sprigs of rosemary
• 1 sprig of oregano
• ½ teaspoon dry oregano
• ½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 1 ripe tomato, sliced
• 1 cup water
• 2 tablespoons brandy
1. Thoroughly trim the fat off the meat.
2. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes.
3. Flavour with herbs and add salt in moderation.
4. Add the grated tomatoes.
5. Stir together in a large bowl.
6. Put in a clay pot or pan and put the tomato slices on top.
7. Pour in the water, brandy and onion.
8. Cover the container with a lid and extra foil if you bake it in the traditional clay oven.
9. Otherwise, bake in a preheated oven at 200 oC.
Chef’s tip: