The Multifunctional Seaside Park of Lemesos (Limassol) stretches across 1km of functionally-connected coast, offering several accesses, as well as sites of interest and many upgraded facilities.
The park begins in front of the city centre, and continues for an area of 65.000 square metres up until the old harbour, having continued from the coasts of Olympion and Enaerios. Included along its length are a cycle path – that connects the Olympion coast with the luxury Marina; the linear park of Garyllis; three cafeterias; enhanced pedestrian roads; playgrounds; areas for skateboarding; a small theatre; ponds and fountains; trees and bushes, modern lighting and the Lemesos Sculpture Park, amongst others.
The Sculpture Park is comprised of 20 modern sculptures commissioned by the municipality, and is located on the seafront promenade. Created by local and foreign artists, the sculptures are the result of sculpture symposiums held from 1999-2001.
The backdrop and views of the Mediterranean Sea have been incorporated into the area’s design, with a pedestrian road that runs parallel to the sea and a cycle path alongside it, three docks for walking, a large crescent-shaped, multi-purpose platform and a pier.