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Cyprus: A Heaven on Earth I Cypriot Folk Dances

November 30, 2021 @ 8:30 pm

Limassol Folklore Association invites the audience to an enchanting journey across the richness of the Cypriot folk tradition presenting images, texts, melodies, dances, folk customs and rituals.
With the participation of the LFA’s Dance Group and young members of the Association, with Antama music ensemble, acclaimed singers Michalis Tterlikkas, Neofytos Armeftis, Costis Kouloumis and virtuoso instrumentalists Michalis Kouloumis (violin) and Petros Kouloumis (lute/voice).

Texts and presentation: Lambros Liavas

Curation and introduction: Constantinos Protopapas

Rialto Theatre 
Andrea Drousioti 19, 3040 Limassol
Phone number: 77777745
Fax No.: 25749663

Start date/End date: 30/11/2021

Start time/End time: 20:30-22:30   

Entrance Price/Τicket:  €12 / €10 

Social media:
Rialto FB: RialtoTheatre- Θέατρο Ριάλτο
Rialto Instagram: rialto_theatre_cyprus
You tube: Rialto Theatre Limassol
Twitter: Rialto Theatre




Rialto Theatre
Telephone No.: +357 25343902
E-mail: [email protected]


November 30, 2021
8:30 pm - 10:30 pm