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AglanJazz 2021

July 7, 2021 @ 8:30 pm - July 8, 2021 @ 11:45 pm

AglanJazz has been an advocate of European jazz.
The Festival’s aim has always been three-fold:

  1. provide a venue for outstanding jazz musicians
  2. unite various jazz and music lovers
  3. embrace and celebrate diversity, by hosting musicians mainly from Cyprus and Europe

AglanJazz was established by the Municipality of Aglantzia in 2007 in order to showcase local and European jazz musicians.  It’s an annual festival, held for two days (usually at the beginning of July), at the Old Square of Aglantzia.
AglanJazz presents diverse jazz expressions, and it hosts 6 bands every year, from various countries.
The Festival has managed, throughout these years, to introduce jazz to the Cypriots, and to encourage people of all age and various backgrounds, to enjoy live performances from talented musicians from around the world, free of charge. 
It has gradually become a highly anticipated summertime Festival, by both the Musicians and our loyal fan base, attracting about 4,500 visitors every year. 

Amphitheater, Skali Cultural Center

Start date/End date:   7-8 July 2021
Start time/End time:  20:30-23:45

Entrance:  €5

Social media:

For the programme please click here  

Organiser Contact Details
Name: Maria Nicolaou
Telephone: 22462058, 22462239
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address: Aik. Kornaro 8, 2108 Aglantzia


July 7, 2021 @ 8:30 pm
July 8, 2021 @ 11:45 pm