Fikardou village

Located in the Lefkosia (Nicosia) district, Fikardou village sits at an altitude of 900 metres in the region of Pitsilia. The historical site can be reached by following the E903 and then the E904, finally reaching this secluded and idyllic village.

The name of the village is believed to have originated from the Greek for ‘den of fugitives’ (‘figa andron’), from the fugitives who were recruited by two dominant clans that controlled the region between 400 AD – 800 AD.

Now almost-deserted, the village was declared an Ancient Monument in 1978 by the department of antiquities, and won the Europa Nostra award in 1987. The village was carefully restored to preserve the 18th century houses with their remarkable woodwork and folk architecture. Two of these – the House of Katsinioros, and the House of Achilleas Dimitris – are now owned by the Department of Antiquities, and have been turned into museums, exhibiting rural items and depicting rural life in years past.

After touring the village, visitors will find a traditional Cypriot welcome at the quaint little coffee shop, whilst the Monastery of Machairas is less than 15 minutes away.

GPS coordinates: Lat: 34.95927 Lon: 33.171481

Agros village

Located in the Troodos mountain range, in Pitsilia region of Lemesos (Limassol) district, Agros sits at an altitude of 1.100 metres.

The layout of this picturesque village resembles that of a theatre, embraced by the surrounding mountains, Agros is nestled in stunning environs with panoramic forest views, making it ideal for agrotourism. It has maintained its traditional character and customs and grows a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

The village is famous for its cultivation of roses, along with its production of cured meats (sausages, ‘Lountza’ and ‘Hiromeri’), homemade marmalades and sweets. Visitors can see these traditional practises at the local workshops where rose oil distillation, sweet making and meat processing take place.

Avgorou village

Located in the Ammochostos (Famagusta) district, the village of Avgorou is one of the ‘red soil villages’ (Kokkinochoria), which are famous for their agricultural produce. As a farming village, it grows delicious potatoes, flavoursome vegetables and juicy citrus fruit, thanks to its mineral-rich, distinctive red earth.

The village has an ancient past and was named after the baths of King Evagoras – the king of the Ancient city-state of Salamis – with finds that date back to the Late Bronze Age III. As such, it has a number of interesting, old buildings and historic churches, including the church of Apostolos Peter and Paul, and Agios Kendeas Monastery.

Two important religious festivals are held to honour the saints annually on June 29 (Feast of Apostolos Peter and Paul), and on October 06 (Feast of Agios Kendeas Monastery). Visitors are welcome to join in the traditional festivities, which include stalls, entertainment and local food and drink.

Other interesting features of the village are its Ethnographic Museum, which depicts the daily life of villagers in the past, and its annual Potato Festival in July, which celebrates the bumper crop of the village’s most famous agricultural produce.

Drouseia village

Located in the Pafos (Paphos) region, the pretty little village of Drouseia sits at an altitude of 630 metres in the mountainous area of Laona, and is thus named for the cool breeze that carries from the Akamas Peninsula, coming from the Greek word for ‘cool’ (‘drosera’).

Just 30 km away from Pafos and 10 km away from Polis, the village can be reached following either the B7 route and then the E711, or taking the E709, and then the F708.

The traditional character of the village is maintained through its stone houses with carved doors and windows, and in its narrow, winding streets that offer stunning views of hillside and coast. The tranquil and traditional environment makes Drouseia perfect for agrotourism, and accommodation is available in many small hotels, as well as the stone houses themselves.

The taverns of the village are also known locally for their excellent Cypriot cuisine, and the warm family welcome they give.

Aside from its pretty views, the village is home to the religiously significant ancient monastery of Agios Georgios Nikoxilitis, which was built in the 15th century, and was rebuilt in 1923 after it was destroyed by a fire.

Athienou village

Located in the Larnaka (Larnaca) region, the village of Athienou is a large community found midway between the city of Lefkosia (Nicosia) (38 km) and the town of Larnaka (33 km), and can be reached by following either the A3 and the B17 route, or the A2 and B2 route.

Athienou has been inhabited since the Neolithic period, and is the continuation of the ancient city-kingdom of Golgoi.

The village is famous for its delicious traditional bread – known locally as ‘Athienitiko’ – and its pastries, as well as its dairy products, which visitors can watch being made.

Other interesting sights include the archaeological site of Athienou-Malloura, the Kallinikeio Municipal Museum (which also exhibits finds from the Malloura site), and several old, restored buildings – including a traditional flour mill.

Athienou’s churches of Panagia Chryseleoussa, Agios Fokas and Agios Georgios are particularly notable for their historically significant icons and frescoes.

Anogyra village

Located in the Lemesos (Limassol) district, the quaint village of Anogyra sits at an altitude of 170 metres and just 45 km away from Lemesos town. The village can be reached by following A6 route and then the F607.

Anogyra was once a main carob-grower and is famous for its traditional sweet ‘Pasteli’, which is made from carob syrup, and only produced traditionally in the village.

The history of the village dates back to the Neolithic era, and its name may originate from the plant ‘anagyris’ (which grows in the village), or that the village that exists today constituted the upper (‘ano’) part of the village once known as ‘Gyroi’.

Its interesting sites include the Pastelli museums, the Olive-Park – Oleastro, the church of Timios Stavros (Holy Cross), and a winery. The village is also a perfect destination for agrotourism.

The custom of Pasteli making is celebrated annually in September with a Pasteli Festival that features the sweet being made in the traditional way, along with local food and a programme of folkloric entertainment.


Evrychou village

Located in the Lefkosia (Nicosia) district, the village of Evrychou is the agricultural centre of the Solea region. Located about 50 km southwest of Lefkosia, the village can be reached by following the B10, and then the B9 straight to the heart of Solea Valley.

Its verdant landscape is dotted with small streams that run down the slopes towards the Karkotis Valley, which is lined with rockroses, terebinths, fleabanes, and pine trees. Although the village is a major producer of many kinds of fruit, it is most famous for its apples.

Evrychou retains its traditional character with old houses made of local stone, with tiled inclining roofs and wooden balconies. Amongst its village churches, the most notable are those of Agios Georgios and Agia Marina. The old water mills of the village ‘Mill of Styllis’ are also a must-see, and serve as an excellent example of Cypriot folk architecture.

A unique attraction of the village is the Cyprus Railways Museum, which is housed in the old railway station. Original documents, drawings, photos and various objects related to the now-defunct Cyprus railway system are exhibited, along with scale models of the main stations and rolling stock.

Alona village

Located in the Lefkosia (Nicosia) district, the old village of Alona sits at an altitude of 1.200 metres on the Troodos mountain range, in the picturesque Pitsilia area. Just 53 km away from Lefkosia, the village can be reached by following the E902 route, and then the E903.

The village produces the local spirit ‘Zivania’, and the tradition is celebrated with an annual Festival in November. Visitors can sample and buy Zivania, learn all about its production, and enjoy an entertainment programme, whilst there are also many stalls selling traditional produce.

Interesting sights of the village include two ancient churches; that of Panagia Kardakiotissa – which dates back to the 15th century – and that of Agios Georgios, which houses an exceptional icon of the saint that dates back to 1835. A major celebration takes place annually in the village square in honour of the saint every November 03.

Also, at the village square is the start of a scenic nature trail that unfolds through to orchards of hazelnut and cherry trees. In spring, you will see violets, ferns and even lily pads along the damper areas of the trail, whereas in winter, wild cyclamens dominate the landscape.

The village is naturally beautiful and its leafy scenery provides inspiration for artists, including many greats of modern Cypriot painting.

Pafos (Paphos) Stadt

Die kleine, wunderschön anzusehende Stadt Pafos (Paphos) lädt Sie mit ihren Legenden der Liebe, den herrlichen Mosaiken, geheimnisvollen archäologischen Fundstücken und faszinierenden Küsten zu einer Entdeckungsreise ein.

Einst die Hauptstadt Zyperns, ist Paphos heute dank seiner bedeutenden historischen Stätten und Monumente, von denen viele mit Aphrodite, der griechischen Göttin der Liebe und Schönheit in Verbindung stehen, die Kulturhauptstadt der Insel. Kein Wunder also, dass die schiere Menge an antiken Überresten dazu beigetragen hat, dass Kato Paphos 1980 als Ganzes in die Liste des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen wurde.

Paphos besteht aus einer Alt- und einer Neustadt, in deren Mittelpunkt der Hafen und das mittelalterliche Kastell stehen. Weiter außerhalb besitzt Paphos nicht nur einige malerische Urlaubsorte wie z. B. Polis Chrysochou (kurz: Polis) und Lakki (auch bekannt als Latsi oder Latchi), sondern beherbergt auch Gebiete von großen natürlichen Reichtum, darunter die Akamas-Halbinsel samt der Schlucht Avakas Gorge, dem Strand von Lara (an dem Schildkröten nisten) und Petra tou Romiou, dem mythischen Geburtsort der Aphrodite.

Was der Stadt Paphos an Größe fehlt, macht sie mit den vielfältigen Erlebnissen, die sie bietet, wieder wett: moderne Touristenunterkünfte, Einkaufs- und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten vermischen sich auf faszinierende Weise mit Themen der Antike und Mythologie. Einst das Heiligtum der Aphrodite, ist Paphos heute das Heiligtum für Besucher aus der ganzen Welt.

Larnaka (Larnaca) Stadt

Herrlich kompakt, einfach zu erreichen und wahrhaft authentisch: Larnaka (Larnaca) ist die älteste und am längsten durchgehend bewohnte Region der Insel und besitzt eine Geschichte, die 4.000 Jahre zurückreicht.Larnaka besitzt nicht nur eine reiche und alte Kultur, es ist auch eine florierende und moderne europäische Stadt zugleich.

Besucher werden feststellen, dass die Grenzen zwischen Urlaubsort und Stadtleben in Lefkara fließend sind. Einheimische und Besucher können in dieser charmanten und facettenreichen Stadt am Mittelmeer dieselben wunderbaren Erfahrungen machen. Von abwechslungsreichen Küstenlinien über traditionelle und weltoffene Einrichtungen bis hin zu faszinierenden Monumenten: die unterschiedlichen Facetten Larnakas gehen nahtlos ineinander über.

Einer der beliebtesten Orte der Stadt ist die von Palmen gesäumte, belebte Foinikoudes-Promenade direkt am Strand mit ihren zahlreichen Lokalen und Unterhaltungseinrichtungen. Sie geht in die Strandpromenade von Piale Pasha über, die an pittoresken alten Stadtteilen und Fischtavernen vorbeiführt. Gegenüber befindet sich ein Einkaufszentrum. So haben Sie alles, was Sie brauchen, immer in Griffweite. In Larnaka befindet sich auch die herrliche Lazaros-Kirche, die dem Schutzpatron der Stadt geweiht ist und stellvertretend als bleibendes Symbol für Larnakas bedeutende religiöse Vergangenheit steht.

Larnaka ist die am zentralsten gelegene Stadt Zyperns, von der aus es ein Kinderspiel ist, in die anderen Bezirke zu gelangen. Auf dem Weg lohnt sich ein Zwischenstopp in den kleinen, malerischen Dörfern, die bekannt sind für ihre Handwerkskunst.

Sie wünschen sich ein herzliches Willkommen und eine einzigartige, lokale Atmosphäre in einer fortschrittlichen Stadt? Dann sind Sie in Larnaka genau richtig!