Vacant position in Amsterdam

Applications are invited for one position for Assistant Sales and Marketing Officer at the Office of the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism, in Amsterdam.
The post entails promotion of the Cyprus tourism product to the trade and the public, in the countries of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, with the organization and implementation of promotional activities, sales calls, fam trips, provision of information, exhibiting at fairs etc.
Salary: €3.045,00 gross per month (x13)
Applicants must have the following qualifications:

  • University degree. A university degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Public Relations, Tourism or in a related subject will be considered as an advantage.
  • Past experience of at least one year in the tourism, travel (travel agents, tour operators, airways) or hotel industry (Marketing or Sales or Public Relations).
  • Excellent knowledge of the Dutch and English languages. Good knowledge of the Greek language will be considered as an advantage.
  • Pleasant personality, social and organisational skills, prepared to work beyond the standard working hours and outside of Amsterdam. The position also involves working out of the office.
  • Good Knowledge of Microsoft office (Word / Excel / PowerPoint) and Internet.

For a Job Description please click here
Written applications with a C.V. in English should be sent to [email protected] by 29/5/2023 at the latest.

Vacant position in Frankfurt

Applications are invited for the position of Information Officer/Secretary at the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism’s Office in Frankfurt.
The post entails administrative/secretarial duties but also duties related to the promotion of the Cyprus tourism product in Germany, which entail primarily the provision of relevant information to the public and industry partners, but also the provision of support towards the implementation of the office’s action plan.
Salary: € 2750 monthly (x13) 
Applicants must have the following qualifications:
·         High School Diploma or equivalent qualification. College Diploma or University Degree will be considered as an advantage.
·         Excellent knowledge of the German and very good knowledge of the English language.
·         Good knowledge of Greek will be considered as an advantage.
·         Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office Software (including Word and Excel).
·         Good communication, organisational and administrative skills.
·         Pleasant personality, able to work under pressure. Experience in the Tourism Sector or in providing information, will be considered as an advantage.
·         Knowledge of the Cyprus Tourism product will be considered as an advantage.
Main Duties:
1.    Handling all administrative work in the office, which includes:
·                              Answering telephone calls
·                              Typing and filing
·                              Handle mail(incoming mail and outgoing)
·                              Handling correspondence, draft and type letters, file and trace correspondence.
2.    Handling information requests from the public and the travel trade both on the telephone and personally. Providing the requested promotional material, whenever necessary.
3.    To set-up and control an inventory system for the storage of the brochures and other promotional materials, ensuring that they are kept neat and well stocked at all times.
4.    To keep computerised databases on journalists, travel writers, travel agents and tour operators.
5.    To ensure that all the Office’s files and records are kept in order and that all the information is up-to-date and accurate.
6.    To ensure that all weekly/monthly data reports are filled in and issued on time and in accordance with the Office’s policies and procedures.
7.    To undertake any other job assignments given by the Officer in Charge of the Office within the overall scope of the position, such as participating in tourist fairs and providing assistance in their organisation, or any other events organised by the Office etc.
8.    Reporting to the Director/Head of the Deputy Ministry of Tourism Office in Frankfurt and through him/her, to the Deputy Ministry of Tourism in Cyprus.
Written applications with a C.V. in English, academic qualifications / transcripts, proof of past experience and certificate of clean criminal record issued within the last 3 months by the competent authorities(all translated in English and certified as true copies) should be sent by email to: [email protected]
Closing date for applications is September 22, 2023, 17.00 (CET)

Take a sip of Cyprus

It is said that smell and taste create the most lasting memories when visiting a tourist destination. Picture yourselves in a taverna, sitting with friends around a table, raising your glass to propose a toast and drinking one of Cyprus local drinks or cocktails. The precious local ingredients form a distinctive blend, which is a unique expression of the heart and soul of the Cyprus countryside and mountains. We welcome you to take a sip of the Cyprus Negroni (Zivania, filfar orange, kommandaria, pastellaki) a cocktail that will tantalize your senses and introduce you to the legendary world of Cyprus. Its ingredients are all locally made and bring the essence of the island into your glass. Take a sip and enjoy Cyprus on the tip of your tongue.

Recipe of Cyprus Negroni:
3cl Zivania
1cl Pastellaki (nut brittle)
2cl Filfar Orange liqueur
3cl Kommandaria

In a mixing glass we add all our ingredients over ice and we stir for 30 seconds.
Then, we transfer the liquid in a clean glass with a big ice chunk and we garnish with a small piece of pastellaki.

Below you can find more about the ingredients:

If you are a fan of strong spirits then Zivania is just the drink for you! With an alcohol content ranging between 40-60%, it is no surprise that the island’s national drink of Zivania is also referred to as ‘firewater’! The history of zivania goes back in centuries as it was first encounter in Homer’s Odyssey, where it is referred to as “Zivanon”, a drink consumed by the Cyclops. Zivanon is the grape pomace (remains such as pulp, peel, stalks and seeds) which is mixed with high-quality dry wines made from the indigenous grapes Mavro (red) and Xynisteri (white), then distilled and mellowed for a long period.

The production of this pomace spirit dates back to the Venetian times in the 14th century and it is still produced in the same traditional manner. Distillation takes place in a cauldron (‘kazani’) with three different processes giving us different qualities and intensity of the drink. The resulting liquid is clear and strong and is usually enjoyed as a digestif – best served cold from the freezer. As zivania ages, it becomes more aromatic, hence old, preserved zivania is often saved for special occasions. A red variety of zivania is also available, though less common, with its colour gained from cinnamon. Red zivania is highly aromatic and was first produced by the monks of Kykkos Monastery. It was offered as a welcoming drink to important visitors of the monastery and as a present along with a bottle of Koumantaria and a bottle of red wine.

Zivania can be served as a digestif or as the main ingredient in a cocktail. The new trends introduce traditional flavors presented in alternative, more creative and contemporary ways. Zivania cocktails are refreshing, delicate, enchanting, sturdy and summery. Don’t hesitate to ask your bartender for a Zivania cocktail, even if it’s not on the menu. It’s a drink you will never have in any other place on Earth.

Cyprus can proudly lay claim to the world’s oldest wine still in production – that of the delicious sweet dessert wine Kommandaria. Thought to date back to 800 BC, references to the consumption of a wine named ‘Cypriot Nama’ is believed to have been Kommandaria before it was given its current name during the crusades in the 12th century.

It was thought that the wine had therapeutic qualities and it was widely used as a tonic. Richard the Lionheart celebrated his capture of Cyprus and his marriage to Berengaria in Lemesos (Limassol) with Kommandaria, declaring it “the wine of kings and the king of wines”. In 1192 he sold the island to the Knights of St. John and the Knight Templars, who then sold it to Guy de Lusignan, but kept their headquarters at Kolossi. Kommandaria was mainly produced in Kolossi – which was their administrative centre called ‘La Grande Commanderie’ – and it was here that the wine found its name.

The dried grapes are pressed, with the run-off collected and fermented in tanks or huge earthenware jars – much like those used in bygone times. No visit to the island is complete without picking up a bottle to take home, not just as a drink, but also as a sweet piece of the island’s history!

Filfar orange liqueur
A sip of Filfar evokes memories of the heady fragrance of the citrus blossom and of citrus fruits glistening in the warm sunshine and contrasting against the dark green shine of the leaves. Filfar has been a popular drink since it first appeared on local supermarket shelves nearly fifty years ago and its story is as rich as the mythology of Aphrodite’s Island.

The recipe of this unique liqueur is a closely guarded secret, but the little we know about it says that up to 20 oranges of two different varieties and three different herbs are used to make each bottle and the mixture is matured for three months prior to bottling. Production begins in early December each year when the oranges are harvested and continues for four months. It is worth mentioning that much of the process is still done by hand.

Filfar is a versatile drink and served as a liqueur it is the perfect finale to a special dinner or to enjoy on a winters evening whilst sitting in the golden glow of a log fire. Alternatively, Filfar is cool and refreshing when made into a long drink by mixing with lemonade or soda water and adding plenty of ice. If there is a cook in your house, you will need to hide the distinctively shaped bottle away as it really gives an extra something to fruit jelly – fruitcake made with fruit soaked in Filfar is impossible to resist.

Pastellaki (nut brittle)
The traditional nut brittle of Pastelaki originated from Ancient Greece and makes good use of the locally grown nuts and sesame seeds, particularly almonds and peanuts.

Resembling a cereal bar, truly authentic Pastelaki binds sesame seeds with carob syrup to make a nutritious and healthy sweet treat, although more commercial versions now use honey or other sugars, and a variety of nuts. It is an excellent source of natural sugar fit for runners and nature aficionados who enjoy walking along rugged and difficult terrains.

Available in packaged bars, Pastelaki makes a sweet gift or great souvenir to take back and enjoy at home!

If you have enjoyed the Cyprus drinks just follow the links below for more information that would tantalize your senses.



Vacant positions at the Deputy Ministry of Tourism Office in PARIS

Applications are invited for one position for Assistant Sales and Marketing Officer at the Office of the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism, in Paris.
Salary: €3.717,90 gross per month (x13)

Scope of work: The position involves the promotion of Cyprus’ tourism product to both trade partners and the general public in France. Responsibilities include organizing and executing promotional activities, conducting sales calls, arranging familiarization trips, providing information, representing Cyprus at trade fairs and exhibitions etc.Further information regarding the Job Description can be requested by e–mail to: [email protected]
Applicants must have the following qualifications:

  • University degree, preferably in Marketing, Business Administration, Public Relations, Tourism or in a related subject.
  • Excellent knowledge of the French language.
  • Very good knowledge of either the English or the Greek language.  Good knowledge of both will be considered an advantage.
  • Past experience of at least two years in Marketing, Sales or Public Relations. This experience must be derived from the tourism, travel (travel agents, tour operators, airways) or hotel industry.
  • Good Knowledge of Microsoft office (Word / Excel / PowerPoint) and Internet.
  • Pleasant personality, social and organisational skills, prepared to work beyond the standard working hours and outside of Paris. The position also involves working out of the office.

Applications, accompanied by an up-to-date CV in the English language, should be sent by e-mail to [email protected], no later than end of business on 31 July 2024.
The qualified applicants will be invited to an interview. The Deputy Ministry of Tourism does not cover any travelling, accommodation or other related expenses.
Applicants invited to an interview must submit:

  1. Academic qualifications / transcripts and proof of past experience (either in French or translated in English/Greek and if translated, certified as true copies) and
  2. A certificate of clean criminal record issued within the last 3 months by the competent authorities.

Postes vacants à l’Office du Ministère du Tourisme à Paris
Les candidatures sont ouvertes pour le poste de Responsable marketing à l’Office du Ministère du Tourisme à Paris
Salaire: 3 717,90 € brut par mois (x13)
Champ de travail: Le poste implique la promotion du produit touristique de Chypre auprès des partenaires commerciaux et du grand public en France. Les responsabilités incluent l’organisation et l’exécution d’activités promotionnelles, la réalisation de visites commerciales, l’organisation de voyages de familiarisation, la fourniture d’informations, la représentation de Chypre lors de salons professionnels et d’expositions, etc. De plus amples informations concernant la description du poste peuvent être demandées par e-mail à l’adresse : [email protected].
Qualifications requises :

  • Diplôme universitaire, de préférence en marketing, administration des affaires, relations publiques, tourisme ou dans une discipline similaire.
  • Excellente connaissance de la langue française.
  • Très bonne connaissance de l’anglais ou du grec. Une bonne connaissance des deux langues sera considérée comme un atout.
  • Expérience antérieure d’au moins deux ans en marketing, ventes ou relations publiques. Cette expérience doit provenir du secteur du tourisme, des voyages (agents de voyages, tour-opérateurs, compagnies aériennes) ou de l’hôtellerie.
  • Bonne connaissance de Microsoft Office (Word / Excel / PowerPoint) et de l’Internet.
  • Personnalité agréable, compétences sociales et organisationnelles, disponibilité de travailler au-delà des heures de travail standard et en dehors de Paris. Le poste implique également de travailler hors du bureau.

Les candidatures, accompagnées d’un CV à jour en anglais, doivent être envoyées par e-mail à [email protected], jusqu’au 31 juillet 2024 au plus tard.
Les candidats qualifiés seront invités à un entretien. Le Ministère ne prend pas en charge les frais de déplacement, d’hébergement ou autres dépenses connexes.
Les candidats invités à un entretien doivent soumettre :

  1. Les qualifications académiques / relevés de notes et la preuve d’expérience antérieure (soit en français, soit traduits en anglais/grec et, le cas échéant, certifiés conformes) et
  2. Un certificat de casier judiciaire vierge délivré dans les 3 derniers mois par les autorités compétentes.