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Agios Neophytos Monastery Museum
Agios Neophytos Monastery Museum

Located about 9km north of Pafos (Paphos), the ecclesiastical museum at the monastery of Agios Neophytos exhibits a variety of valuable relics, including important icons and other religious artefacts.

The monastery itself was founded by the Cypriot recluse and writer Neofytos around 1200, in what used to be a secluded location at the head of the picturesque valley.

The hermit carved a cave out of the mountains called the ‘Enkleistra’, which is covered with some of the finest examples of Byzantine frescoes that date back from the 12th to the 15th centuries, whilst the later church also contains some of the finest Post-Byzantine icons dating to the 16th century.

Region: Pafos
Address: About 9km north of Pafos, near the village of Tala
GPS coordinates: Lat: 34.846679 Lon: 32.445835
Contact No: Tel: +357 26 652 481, Fax: +357 26 653 709
Operating Hours: April - October, daily: 09:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:00
November - March, daily: 09:00 - 16:00
Operating Period: All year round
Closed on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Green Monday, Easter Sunday (Greek Orthodox) and August 15.
Entrance Fee: €2,00
Ticket valid for both the Monastery and the Enkleistra
Website: www.stneophytos.org.cy
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.
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